Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

Painting without painting. Learning to be the real you. Giving yourself permission to be intense.

Start a painting like you don’t care? Yep, don’t give it a second thought. Make a mark.

So often people embarking on exploring paint in a new and intentional way, feel anxious about the first stages.

They are worried about ‘messing it up’ when that is exactly what they should do; mess it up.

Intuitive painting, abstract painting, discovery painting - whatever you want to call it, is not about creating any kind of predetermined vision (that’s a different type of painting that does require a different approach).

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Mark Anderson Mark Anderson

How do I start a painting?I get asked the question a lot!

So often people embarking on exploring paint in a new and intentional way, feel anxious about the first stages.

They are worried about ‘messing it up’ when that is exactly what they should do; mess it up.

Intuitive painting, abstract painting, discovery painting - whatever you want to call it, is not about creating any kind of predetermined vision (that’s a different type of painting that does require a different approach).

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